Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Slurpies and Redundant Prizes

I bought a Slurpie at 7/11 and they have an O.S.O.S. promotion or Official Sport of Slurping. It’s a promotion whereby they are trying to legitimise drinking sugar filled icy treats by awarding prizes to a Hot Dog eating competition. That’s cool and all but why did I win a sweatband today?

I’ve never seen anyone breaking into a sweat while slurping. Maybe that’s where the irony lies and if that’s the case, tip of the cap and well played to you sir. If not it’s kinda redundant. Maybe it’s because April has been quite cold and they want to ensure that people don’t get too cold while they slurp.

It’s still pretty kickarse though and I intend to take this baby onto the streets. O.S.O.S. represent!

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