I saw him a couple of aisles later and he was spacking out fierce about something he couldn’t put in his troller. I would’ve locked him in the freezer if he were my kid but lucky for both of us he wasn’t.
The next memorable part were the awesome items they had in stock. Stuff like a meat grinder.

For grinding meat. Or you could buy mince. It's not really that amusing upon review. Ah well.
How about this?

Shaved Turkey, for guys who like their birds shaved.
Or this:

When I think Luxury I think Fergie and flossy flossy and caviar and fluffy beds and butlers and eccentric things. Never in my life have I thought - Luxury is an Apple Sweet loaf. You have a lot to answer for Aldi.
The third thing was our checkout chick. She was rather pungent. I've never smelt chick BO like that before and it wasn't nice. While she was swiping our groceries the dude from the next checkout asked her if she had change for a $20. She asked why. I wanted him to say "So I can buy you some deoderant you smelly bitch" but the answer was obvious, he needed change. Anyways, I thought it was quite a bizarre thing to question. She knows the professional perils of being a checkout chick, I'm sure a colleague has asked her for change before. Or maybe they hadn't because she smelled so bad.
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