We perched one on a ledge like so and watched a young lass open it, read it, look around and then fold it back up and place it carefully where she had found it. I’m not too sure why people do that but it was at least available for someone else to pick up and read.

We then watched as a group of people found a pile and read them together. They smelled funny so we walked off. I placed one on top of the speaker system and microphone as Clover Moore was meant to appear but we didn’t bother sticking around for it. I hope that she found one and read it out to the audience but I’m not that optimistic. Seeing as James wasn’t there we bailed. I found out he had women issues and was late. Ah well, c’est la vie.

As we left we jammed a couple around the door. Jamie mentioned that if you were a bum you’d be well advised to follow exhibit openings. There’s not too much difference between a bum and an artist really and there’s free food and grog. I pointed out that it’s a bum. There’s a reason he became a bum, it’s because he’s unmotivated. What makes you think that the bum would bother putting time and effort into studying an art schedule and following it to get free food. That would almost be working and not very bum like. Jamie conceded I was onto something.
Incidentally, if you’re interested in the art show it’s called Underground to Aboveground and it’s at 3 Little Queen St Chippendale. It should be there for another 3 weeks. It was pretty good. It had radios and milk crates and wet paint and stuff. Winner.
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