Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Preachers are forever.

We went out on Saturday night for drinks with some work friends who we met at town hall and were met by these preaching jerks. There was one on every corner of George and Park St which is the QVB Woolworths intersection. The guy that was closest to us kept on muttering in a low monotone that the bible was the only way to heaven and if he could get crucified he’d do it. He was very unappealing and I believe his conversion rate would have been non existent.

As you can see from his photo he’s standing on a speaker box with Eternity on it. What a stupid choice of word. It’s basically some glorified graffiti that a Bum used to spread around the city. What is his message? That he hopes to stand on this box for Eternity? He could’ve chosen much better graffiti as well. Yesterday I saw on the toilet wall “Slim & Discreet Indian Teen looking for body to body contact in the city” If he’s put that on his box I reckon he would’ve been far more successful. If he’d moved a couple of blocks up to Oxford st, his cut through would’ve been off the charts.

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