Thursday, April 9, 2009

Leaving on a Jet Plane

I'm off to Tasmania today. I'm blogging when I should be packing not that you care.

I'm flying Virgin Blue who were a stack cheaper that Jet Star aka Death Star and they have a handy reminder service these days, let me explain.

I was sitting around at work yesterday when I saw an email pop up. Intrigued I opened it. It was from Virgin Blue. It was a reminder that my flight left in 24 hours and should I desire, I could check in online and sort my shiz out right then and there. Ace! I did and moved myself up to seat 8C. Seeing as I'm travelling solo and have carry on baggage only, I thought I might take an aisle seat to allow for speedy departure and quick access. Also I read if you sit at the back of the plane, you breathe in the stale farts of everyone in front of you and the contents of someones bowels in my lungs is something I could do without.


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