Thursday, April 30, 2009

Christian Television Association Ad

The rain on the window reminded me of this shitty ad from the 80's.

We didn't have a little tree climbing Aryan kid in the office though.

Gotte love the Youtube commentary though. This gem is brought to you by psconstruct who sounds like the build things in secret.

"Yeah he went to my HS we used to throw his bag in the tree and tell him to say hello my god to bring it down. It never worked" :(
Child bullying. I like it.

How about this from Zjwrsa?

"Seriously, what are they trying to achieve here? Would this have converted a single person? Their marketing department sucks"
Yes, what were they trying to achieve? Why don't they just stand on speaker boxes with Eternity written on them in the centre of Town Hall and try to convert people instead. That sounds far more effective.

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