Saturday, March 28, 2009

Comedy - Newcastle and Beyond.

So what's happened since the last update?

A little bit actually. Newcastle went well. Amanda and I got there about 2 hrs early and watched the pub fill up. We ran into a Newcastle local and Comic in Hannah Gissane who introduced us to Brendan who runs the room. Brendan offered Hannah the chance to MC which she took. We then met Kent Valentine who was lovely.

The show started at about 8:45 and Hannah told her furious fisting joke which got some great laughs. She waited for the laughter to die down and then peered into the crowd and said "Are you Mr Saxon? I think you taught me in primary school" It was ace. The room exploded. Hannah introduced me and I had a decent set. I lost the crowd in the middle bit but brought it on home with the cancer joke. There was a massive disconnect with the blind gay joke which was unexpected.

A young comic from up north called Sean went next and then there was Amanda and she did really well. Hannah got up to close off the first bracket but forgot about the break and went into a lengthy intro for Kent only to say "But next up is the break" Part of her charm is her nervousness and it was a pleasure to be a part of.

Kent did most of his solo show and it was quite impressive. It's inspired me to write my own. I got started this week with an awful story. Only 7 more of those to go and I will have an unwieldly and cumbersome set. Hooray!

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