Saturday, March 14, 2009

ECRL - Bus Version

I had to catch the bus along the ECRL as it needed maintenance. It's not nearly as glamorous - flossy flossy.

On both trips there were people filming or taking photo's. I laughed at them and thought of my own behaviour like here, here or here and then checked myself before I wrecked myself.

There was also the most precocious little shit of a kid on the bus sitting behind me. I contemplated kicking open the safety window, dragging his face along the shards of glass that I had created and then chucking him out the window timed so he would bounce under the wheels of a passing truck. He said stuff like "What rhymes with mocket" or "What rhymes with meeway" It wasn't his fault, it was his old slut of a grandma. Grandparents are responsible for encouraging shit behaviour like this. Kill the grand parents and the child dies as no one pays it attention. I was tempted to say what rhymes with mother fucking shut up but instead I put in my headphones gritted my teeth and muttered for the love of god for about 5 mins. Upon reflection I probably looked like more of a fuckwit than the kid.

Ah well.

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