Friday, March 20, 2009

Russell Brand - Ok...

We went to see Russell Brand on Wednesday night. He was ok but not spectaculr. He kinda just coasted through the gig on the back of his own hype and in the end I felt that his 75 minute set was probably about 30 minutes too long.

This is how close we got to him. Impressive. After we took these a little attendant chick ran through the audience telling people not to take photos of him. As if he didn't want us to take photos of him. What are we going to do anyways? Print them out and trade of a blurry image of him in the crowd? Unlikely.

Anyways he finished up with a 10 minute bit about how he likes to do his women at which point all the little star fuckers in the audience took out their pads and wrote down notes on bumming and deepthroating. All in all it was a classy night.

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