My sister is a big fan of the Saw franchise which I think peaked when Carey Elwes screamed "What are you doing man?" in the first film.*
Since then it's seen pits full of syringes, exploding necklaces, offal, frozen naked chicks, hammers, guns, pendulums, chicken wire and a butt load of nail bombs. I haven't enjoyed these movies at all since I almost threw up during the opening scenes of Saw III when Donnie Wahlberg hammers his own foot to a pulp to pull it through his shackles.
I don't even know why I went. I sorta do actually. My sister offered to pay after I blew up at her last year for not having 70c to pay for a choc top when we went to Saw IV which was equally rubbish. I thought it was fair, I mean seriously, who goes along to a movie that they want to see without money?
Anyways, I'm not really upset about the movie being complete and utter crap, I'm more upset about the waste of 90 odd minutes. I could've baked a couple of sponge cakes. I could've started an introductory course to learn a new language. I could've gone down to the local community centre and had a jazzercise class and gone home and had a shower. I probably wouldn't have done the last one cos I'm probably about 14 years too old to not look pervy but the point is I could've had a semi productive Saturday morning but now I will never know because I wasted it watching Saw V.
* - I tried to find the scene on Youtube. Instead I found this which is even funnier. Not because of the movie, it's because of the info part in the top right.
"I dedicate this one specially to my friend Joy (PeaceChild, the admin on the Cary Elwes Fan Forum), who will hopefully make me a moderator on the forum. ^.^ "
That's right. This kids ambition is to be a mod on a Carey Elwes fan forum. Excuse me while I laugh hysterically. S2BU. I hope you made it man, the world needs dedicated Carey Elwes mods. His body of work is increasing every year and all too.
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