Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Bad Haircut

I was just checking through my FlickR stats and this is my most popular photo. How bizarre. It was a crazy German chick that we found at the Ranga orphanage in Malaysia. Right now it has 37 all time views. Next on the list is a photo of my mate smoking at 14 all time views. What does this say about the viewing public? They like severe German haircuts and people who smoke.

I realise that as a consequence of these actions it's lead over the rest of the pack will grow. When it gets to 50 I'll let y'all know. Notice how I'm mildly optimistic that I have 13 readers out there. Prove me right blogland.


candiceecidnac said...

37 views? That's lame.
427 (and you've just added another one)

Ray said...

Yeah I know, I totally don't have anyone looking at my photo's.