Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Tequila Pumpkin Chili @ Vegan for the People

I'm not much a fan of Vegans mainly cos I eat far too much meat for my own good but I pressed next blog and today I stumbled across Vegan for the People: Tequila Pumpkin Chili

It's by a guy called Mike and he does Vegan stuff I guess. This recipe caught my eye because it was the first one there and because I like Chilli and alcohol. Mike goes a long way to disproving common myths about Vegans in that they're not all angsty and anaemic and they can actually cook with a bit of flava with a capital F. I'm thinking I'll take his recipe and bastardise it and put chorizo in instead of the lentil sausage and real sour cream instead of the Vegan stuff (I'm yet to find out what Vegan Sour Cream actually is). I might also saute the garlic an onion in butter first and then reduce the alchohol (which will probably be bourbon) afterwards so I get a richer caramel flavour. When I get around to cooking up this shebang I'll post some photo's of my chorizo goodness and probably pass it back to Mike.

God...this is turning into a cooking blog.

May as well keep it going, coming up - Portugese egg tarts.

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