The trip was decent. I taught the kids a timeless classic "Bestiality's great" which goes to the tune of Tie me Kangaroo down sport. Their favourite stanza was "Splat the twat of a cat" Fun for the family.
We got off the bus, wandered down to the beach and stood near the little pagoda thing. It was nice but, it was windy as all hell and there was stingy sand blowing everywhere. Not only was it annoying but it made the prospect of performing pretty hard because it was blowing hard. That's when Plan B took place.

This is Rob standing on "Stage" with Dave looking on. Yes, we were in a toilet.

This is all the kids packed into said toilet. It doesn't quite capture the random puddles of water on the ground but it does capture how completely crazy the prospect of trying to entertain 50 odd drunk teens was.
All in all it went well - as well as a gig in the male public toilets of Nelson Park can go. Rob MC'd and brought me on first. I went ok. I like to think I was the ice-breaker of the night, as after me Tom and Dave had a warm and receptive audience. In truth, it was a tad bit overwhelming and a couple of my lines didn't land and I could've been a bit more cofident but what can you do? I ended up ad libbing at the end and was particularly impressed with "If you guys keep on talking you'll be drawing in air that's tainted with that stale urine smell you all know is there." Dave and Tom wrapped things up and we then headed over to the Rocks. I chatted to a guy called Michael who gave me a boob by boob breakdown of the chicks in the front half of the bus. His most memorable quote was "See her, she's Sam, has a bung head but massive titties. You can't tell cos of her loose shirt. She's getting a reduction this summer." He was also born on the same day as I was, just 9 years apart...we were almost brothers, but not really.
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