Monday, December 22, 2008

Dschinghis Khan - Hotness

Dschinghis is the German spelling for Genghis. He killed stacks of Russians and a couple of Germans too back in the 14th century. Who knows, in 600 years time perhaps a Jewish Disco band will do a mock tribute song called Adolf and it will be something that people laugh at and send each other in blog form. Those crazy Germans, am I right? Dschinghis Khan also happen to be a group that entered Eurovision 1979 with a song by the same name which can be found below. It's fantastic.

You may recognise Moskau which has appeared on my obscure German disco periphery a couple of times this lifetime. Here's the video which I'm led to believe is an internet phenomenon on their Wikipedia page.

It looks like a musical version of the power rangers except that bald dude (Steve Bender) looks very supervillian evil. He's dead. The main dancer dude Louis Potgeiter is dead too. The AIDS got him. Pity as the world needs more gaunt twirly dancers. Anyways, you may notice that they enjoy having some bloke dancing, choreagraphed group dancing and laughing heartily in their songs. I long for these more innocent times once more.

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