Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Shit Dumplings and Australia.

I went to have Yum Cha with some of my mates on Sunday. We went to Zilver which used to have an all you can eat thing going on but they changed ownership and now it's just shit. Even worse is having to wait 55 minutes to get into a place so you don't enjoy yourself. Nothing they make tastes good and they're incompetent. We were about to leave when they wandered by to give us tea which we then sent back. I'll do a photo tour of better Yum Cha's around town shortly. It'll actually give this blog some substance for once.

After Yum Cha we went to see Australia. It was ok, but not as memorable as my run in with the woman who sat in front of us. During the previews and ads we were talking in hushed tones amongst ourselves when she turned around and gave us one of the most sour looks imaginable. A preview for Bride Wars came on next and I mentioned it would be pretty hot watching Kate Hudson and Anne Hathaway wrestle it out when the old bat turned around again. I asked her if she was alright and she said she's trying to watch the movie. Fact was it was still the preview which I pointed out to her so I wasn't too sure what she was turning around for. Perhaps she wanted to join the conversation and was upset she wasn't invited. Perhaps she had her own views on a possible Hathaway v Hudson hotness match? Either way she was a bitch.

The feature started and we were quiet as we wanted to watch it. As I said it wasn't bad, it wasn't good. If you wanted to sum it up in one sentence it's Nic and Hugh find love while David Wenham behaves like a dick. If you do see it, turn it into a drinking game. Every time Hugh Jackman punches someone in the face, or someone dies take a shot. You'll be pissed about 5 minutes in.

In this photo he's pulling back Nicole's head so he can punch her straight in her botoxed throat. Pow!

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