What are these people doing? A shoe is generally something you’d notice losing unless you’re an amputee and then you wouldn’t bring it with you in the first place. I wonder if there’s an amputee co-op where they can hook up to save on footwear. You couldn’t advertise in the back of a paper for that.
“Left footed amputee looking for like minded Right Foot amputee for shoe buying. Must be a size 9 ½ US or 43 European Mens and like leather insoles, sandle wearers need not apply”
You’d have to be really careful with the wording of the ad too. “You said left footed amputee in the ad, I thought you meant that you were missing your left foot not the other way around. You’re a joke mate, crippled and illiterate.” Awkward.
Shoes. You just can't figure em out can you?
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