I don't think you could actually say she lost as she's managed to get a record deal and all sorts of shiz worth millions out of it so she's a winner. No real reason to make a mention of it to be honest, I thought I might do so as my thoughts on the 124 girl drove traffic to RWOC to an all time high; one that is never likley to be achieved again because, let's face it, the writing on this blog is subpar.
Read more here, here or here.
The first two sources have video of said mumu, the third source goes on to say she has a potential film deal in the pipelines. Of what exactly? Her reported lack of oxygen at birth and learning difficulties in her later years? Riveting. Her trying to seperate her eyebrows during her teenage years? Delightful. Her expletive laden review of a fellow singer earlier this week? Controversial.
At least there will be no sex in this film. As great a story as this has been we've seen it play out on Youtube, what else could they explore?
In what is perhaps one of the last Susan Boyle posts on RWOC let's look at a host of Susan Boyle Look-alikes.
First up is everyone's favourite Scot outside of Groundskeeper Willy and William Wallace - Fat Bastard.

Second is an old favorite - Nacho Libre!

Last but not least is a childhood favourite. Someone that we haven't seen in a while. I've been lead to believe that they recently entered a singing comp. It's snackfood hero the Gobbledock!

As you can see all three look almost exactly like Susan Boyle.
At least I think that's an image of Susan Boyle I posted. With all these look alike's it's hard to tell who is who anymore.
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