Monday, February 23, 2009

Lady Chatterley

I’m currently reading Lady Chatterley’s Lover by D.H. Lawrence. I don’t know if I like it yet.

The story so far is that Lady Chatterley has married a crip who she doesn’t seem to particularly like. She doesn’t really like too much about her life except for their pink gravel path. She wasn’t a Lady before she married Chatterley and by the sounds of the title she’s not much of a Lady throughout the book either.

Anyways, Lawrence, through his characters discusses a great deal about the role of sex and the difference between the sexes and their drives etc. These thoughts are kind of relevant know even though it was written back in the 20’s.

The latest big thing to happen is that the crip has said that if the Lady wants to boof other dudes she should as it’s the course of a natural life. It shouldn’t matter if she boofs or if she has a child by another man because their lives are intertwined through marriage and the exertions of a few minutes shouldn’t detract from their common history. The lady reflects on this as the crip doesn’t know she’s been boofing one of his writer peers who is described as having a soft boy like body. He’s a bit of a jerk and I think it’s going to set off a reaction within the Lady. She’s also just met the games keeper. Uh-oh…I think I know where this is heading.

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