Thursday, February 5, 2009

Christian Bale Rant - Remix

The rant is old news. Read a transcript here. It isn't the full one cos it goes for about 4 minutes. My favourite part is where he says "You and I are done professionally" I'd imagine that their interpersonal connection is probably done too. I mean it's not like they're going to visit each other for scones and tea after that talking to.

I also appreciated how he tries to soften the rant by saying "You're a nice guy" only to back it up with a "fucking ass" towards the end.

Anyways as with anything it's been remixed into a dance tune. It's actually quite catchy. I expect it will become a Jamster Mobile content ad for $5.95 soon along with that singing fucking bunny.

Here's the remix.

And for your reference here's the original rant with some captions. A bit half arsed if you ask me...the caption not the rant.

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