I've been playing Animal Crossing since Gamecube days. It's a sim where you move into a town of animals and even though there's a mayor, the town is run by this jerk called Tom Nook. He runs the town store and is a property tycoon. He forces you into slavery when you move in by making you buy a house and paying it off by working for him. He then forces you to make house upgrades when you pay off each subsequent home loan. The icing on the cake is that with each extension, you have more room to furnish the place and the main source of furniture is his store. Through paying off your house, you buy furniture which in turn pays off his extensions. He's created a serf class system where you do all the work for minimal reward and he gets the gain but by golly it's addictive game play.
Anyways, in the course of the day you'll interact with the other characters and some of them will turn to you for fashion advice or a new saying. This is where you can get creative. It has a basic language filter which will stop you from writing fuck, cock or the c-bomb but you can bypass it with nob, labia and vaj. Below is my interaction with Avery, he's an American Eagle who likes wearing Duck shirts. He also likes saying "Pull my nob hard" Let the mirth begin.
I've never even thought to leave rude comments! You're rudeness. I'm not letting you into my town. vaj.
They say all sorts of awesome things like groin thrust go and hot vaj. You should try it. Because our towns are connected there's a high possibility of one of my guys moving to your town and bringing my filth.
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