Saturday, July 11, 2009

Processed Meat.

Isn't it just delicious? I just made myself a breakfast of champions, two bacon and egg sandwiches with bbq sauce, salt and pepper with a frosty mug of coola cordial. Oh yeah! I found some salami in the fridge and was thinking about putting it in my sandwich but I didn't quite get there in the end. I read the ingredients though and it went on to say that it was made fermented manufactured meat which was not heat treated.

Ewwww....if I'd known that before I'd eaten it the very first time, I'm not sure I would've eaten it. Then you start thinking about stuff that's fermented, like milk products make cheese sort of, and grapes make wine and hops and barley makes beer so I guess fermentation is ok. Fermentation is a pretty odd process. Someone would've had to have watched a perfectly good piece of food rot then thought, "Hey let's give it a couple of days more before we eat/drink this thing." I like to imagine it was a hobo who was dumpster diving, he didn't have anything to lose and so he went for it, got drunk and that's why we have the association of homelessness and drinking.

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