Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Chicks on the Big Screen

On the way to Olympic park for Origin, I decided that I'd get off at Central and change trains. Along the way I stumbled across two female Qld supporters and their male companion. They were confused as to why all the people in Blue and Maroon were getting off the train. I explained to them that it was quicker to go from Central as you go direct to the Stadium as opposed to going out to Lidcombe and then coming back to the stadium. They followed me.

On the train we made small talk and then one of the female Qld supporters started telling us about videos she's been sent recently. She mentioned that it was Youtube and two girls and a cup. I doubted that it was Youtube and said it sounded more like Pootube which they found humorous. She then proceeded to tell us about another clip where this chick was in a spa, naked. She suddenly stands up and bends over as if to fart and then shits the spa which churns brown. She was a classy lady.

I said goodbye as we'd gotten to Olympic park and found my seat. Later on that evening I was watching the big screen when it cut away to 3 familiar faces. It was my train friends. I like to think at that moment when they were displayed on the screen. they were thinking "I hope lovely train guy is watching this"

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