Monday, December 7, 2009

Conversations with strangers

When do conversations with strangers end? I was in a lift and this old punk, (he wasn't really a punk he was just an old homeless looking guy) got into the lift. He was wearing crazy earphones and a xmas carol was playing really loudly. I looked at another bloke and we raised eyebrows and I said "That's a bit excessive" and he laughed. Then he said something not that clever so I pretended to laugh and then the doors opened.

The conversation had ended but we ended up walking the same direction and roughly the same pace. We looked at each other once or twice and then I slowed down heaps so he could walk ahead of me.

The thing was we ran into each other later at Woolworths in the nut aisle. We looked at each other and he kinda said with his eyes he knew I had slowed down out there but I wasn't sure if he was happy about it. I turned around and did not buy nuts that day.

What should i have done? I don't think I could've talked to him again but should I have walked away? Who knows? Who cares anymore...

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