It started with this photo about 3 weeks ago. Despite appearances, the guy is not manually stimulating this crocodile's genitals, he's lifting it up to show off the white underbelly. Kinda obvious. That's what I thought too until I got this...
"thats pretty cool you raised him from a little one? I personaly love reptiels. have a ball python and 3 turtles , colo photo dude."
It's from an American dude called diamondjoe. Despite the obvious grammatical errors it's a bit weird. I can almost understand that someone looking at my photo's might think it's me standing in a crocodile enclosure holding up a crocodile but still weird.
Weirder still was a friend request
"diamondjoe would like to be your friend"
Ok, I can dig that too. What harm could come of it?
The next day I got this photo.

It's a scratchy photo of Joe's wife Diane. Not sure why he sent it but he felt that I needed to see it. Since then Joe has continued to comment on my photos. Like this one

"Must be you your wife and friends nice photo friend as they say Down Under G-Day Mate."
Apart from being presumptuous this also means that diamondjoe doesn't think I could pull single chicks and that I must be married. I'm a bit sad to discover this.
The latest one is this

"hey friend I have been busy for awile anyways nice photo, looks some people having a great time,good-day mate."
You were gone? I didn't notice. On top of proving he has the local lingo down pat Joe is also extremely observant.
Now it brings me to this quandary. Do I continue complaining about this in a passive aggressive manner via a blog or do I email him and say wtf is going on here? I find that the comments part of FlickR isn't too conducive to a conversation.
Why am I even asking, I know I'll continue blogging about it...
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