Thursday, September 18, 2008

Comedy Gig @ Roxbury - Review

Last night was decent. It was kinda weird. I had 2 comics say, oh you’re Ray Cashman, I’ve heard about you, looking forward to seeing your stuff. I don't know if it was a wind up or not. It’s funny hearing that because despite my obvious ego drive, it’s very humbling and initially I want to deflect it the hell away from me but then I’m like, hey a compliment’s a compliment so I should take it on board...meh...too much thought.

Gary Eck headlined and was very interactive. David Bloustein was MC. I've gigged with him a couple of times before. When I say that I use the term loosely as an open mic gig doesn't really count, does it? I don't know why but I always thought he was a bit too cool for school. Last night, he was friendly, affable and encouraging which is all you could ask for I guess...

All in all my set was pretty well received. I muffed the wording of my testosterone joke but I trialed a joke about hands in crowds which I'll retain for my next gig. That means it's time for Pinnacles and Nadirs

Pinnacle: Public Transport section is very tight. The hand joke worked and the extended chick intro was good
Nadir: Bucket fanny she's not so good. Perhaps the audience doesn't like poetry, or my poetry at least
Points of note: Carry successful jokes into the next gig which is a 10 min spot.

Out of the other comedians, Dain, James and Ben were my favourites. Ben had some crazy thoughts on group sex which I'll save for another day if anything just to maintain my PG rating.

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