Thursday, September 11, 2008

Blog Stuff - Week in review.

So now I've been doing this for about a week I guess I've got enough content to get a feel for what it is I'm trying to achieve.

* I so far have two Protest posts, I guess that could become a theme.
* I have two comedy posts, that too could become a theme.
* I have an introduction post but it seems silly to keep introducing oneself after one has already done so. One? Am I a royal?
* I have 2 general observation posts. I can't really plan those out can I?

I guess I could keep going along these lines...

I guess this also means I can start telling people I have a blog so this isn't just a stream of consciousness, online version of Castaway where I play a clean shaven office bound Tom Hanks and this Blog is that lovable scamp Wilson. I'll get to it.

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