Thursday, June 4, 2009

Comedy Course

Tonight was the graduation night for the comedy course I co hosted with Billy. We had four kids get up and do their thing which was ace. They ranged in nerves from packing it to quite calm and collected. I remember my first gig, I had to calm myself several times and it was one of the most nerve wracking things I've ever done. To get in front of 25 odd people and do a 5 minute set is well commendable so massive shout outs to Oscar, Leon, Adam and Kristin.

You made us proud and you were a credit to your friends and family. If you read this, please ensure you never do any midget jokes ever.

In other comedy course related news, the comedy course production I co-starred in has been picked up by the SBS so I may be a comedic TV star. W00t W00t. I'll have to find out more from my teacher and mate Rob.

In the last snippet of course news, the improv course is going well. We had to use extreme physicality and emotions in Monday's lesson and it was well intense. Stomping around the classroom and making out with the furniture was a personal highlight.

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